Apple cider vinegar foot soak treats 7 foot problems

Apple cider vinegar foot soak treats 7 foot problems

Apple cider vinegar foot soak can help with seven stubborn feet problems. Our feet do a lot in carrying us around all day, and sometimes they do this in stuffy and uncomfortable shoes. The friction, bruising, and moist environment at times leads to the development of odor, pain, blisters, peeling toenails, cracked heels, and fungal and bacterial infections – just to mention, but a few.

But the good news is that the solution to most of these problems lies right in your kitchen drawer!  Vinegar or acetic acid has been used as a cooking ingredient, deodorizing and a cleaning agent in homes since time immemorial. Its mild acidic properties make it a perfect component for treating virtually all types of feet problems. Vinegar soaks concocted from a mix of apple cider vinegar or simple white vinegar and other ingredients such as essential oils, water, Epsom salt, and green tea can be used to treat many foot problems.

What does apple cider vinegar foot soak do to your feet?

Firstly, vinegar’s mild acidic property creates an unfavorable environment for growth and multiplication of fungi and bacteria.  By killing these microorganisms, a vinegar soak also helps in eliminating the odor that results from the bacterial or fungal infection of the foot. In fact, research has shown that 2% – 3% acetic acid solutions can inhibit the in-vitro growth of microorganisms such as Streptococcus pyogenes, Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 

Moreover, vinegar softens your skin and helps in exfoliation, which is essential in eliminating dead skin. This helps in treating foot problems such as warts and calluses.  

What kinds of foot problems can I treat using apple cider  vinegar foot soaks?

Some of the most common foot problems that can be solved by soaking your feet in vinegar solutions include: 

•  Athlete’s feet

•  Smelly feet

•  Calluses, corns, and warts

•  Toenail fungus infections

•  Dry toes and cracked heels

•  Fatigued, soar, aching, or paining feet

•  Fade age spots 

What kind of vinegar is ideal for a foot soak?

Simple white vinegar and apple cider vinegar are the most commonly used in the preparation of a foot soak. The former is readily available from grocery stores, and there is no need to visit a pharmaceutical shop.

How do you make your  apple cider vinegar foot soak?

You can make a simple apple cider vinegar foot soak by mixing one part of vinegar to two parts of warm water. A solution of vinegar and warm water in the ratio of 1:2 is perfect for your feet as it does not irritate or hurt your skin or feet. You should maintain this ratio when adding warm water and vinegar till your basin or tub has a sufficient solution to immerse your feet.   Apple cider Vinegar has a characteristic smell that may linger even after soaking your feet. It is thus advisable to sometimes include essential oils such as peppermint, tea tree, and lavender essential oils or green tea in your foot soak so as to help the smell from vinegar and your feet to easily dissipate.  After preparing your soak solution, you have to first clean and scrub your feet thoroughly using water and soap. Also, ensure that you use warm water. The amount of time you will soak your feet in the solution depends on the kind of problem you have, but this time may range from 15 to 45 minutes.  

Recipes of apple cider vinegar foot soak

There are various  vinegar foot soak recipes and their variations are subtle. The most commonly used ingredients include vinegar, warm water, essential oils (such as peppermint, tea tree, lavender, and thyme oils), epsom salt, green tea, and oatmeal. Vinegar and water does the basic work of healing your feet, while; the essential oils soften your skin and aid in odor dissipation. On the other hand, the epsom salt and oatmeal help in softening your skin. At the end of the soak, you may also need glycerin or scented lotions to apply on your skin so as to prevent it from drying out and retaining the smell of vinegar.

Here are three common foot soak recipes: 

Apple cider vinegar foot soak  plus Epsom salt soak

  • In a basin or tub add warm water and vinegar in the ratio of 1:2.
  • Add 2 to 3 tablespoons of Epsom salt
  • Add five drops of any essential oil to counter the vinegar smell and foot odor
  • Soak your feet for at least 30 minutes or till the water reaches room temperature, then scrub your feet clean and apply glycerin or body lotion

Apple cider vinegar foot soak  plus green tea soak

  • In a basin or tub, add warm water and vinegar in the ratio of 1:2.
  • Add one cup of green tea and stir the solution
  • Soak your feet for at least 30 minutes or till the water reaches room temperature, then scrub your feet clean and apply glycerin or body lotion

Apple cider vinegar foot soak  plus oatmeal soak

  • In a basin or tub, add warm water and vinegar in the ratio of 1:2
  • Add one cup of oatmeal wrapped by muslin cloth and give the solution a good mix
  • Soak your feet for at least 30 minutes or till the water reaches room temperature, then scrub your feet clean and apply glycerine or body lotion

Warnings about soaking your feet in vinegar 

Even though apple cider vinegar foot soak has healing powers, there are circumstances in which such a soak should be avoided. For instance, avoid soaking your feet in vinegar solutions if you have cuts, wounds, or open sores. Similarly, if you’re diabetic and you have blood flow problems to your feet, it is ideal to avoid apple cider  vinegar foot soak, unless a medical practitioner gives you a go ahead.   Also, if you realize that you’re getting skin irritation, itching, redness, and rashes on your feet, it is advisable to consult your doctor or a dermatologist.